Whoa Lightsaber... although a little bit at the top doesn't light up at least it works :P
I do not understand why a piece of cloth (jedi robe) has to be so goddamn expensive :/ whats the deal with that? If I were at all okish with textiles I could make my own robe and have a nice sith costume that I could centre a short film about :'(
Oh well guess I'll have to stick to my road film for now :(
And unfortunately I only really took a few pictures and they're close up... so all you loyal fans... (me and maybe Kitty if she reads it :P ) ... please enjoy XD Although unfortunately they don't picture very well up close :(

Sad sith :(

Neutral sith :

Crazy sith ^^
Now that we've all enjoyed those wholesome pictures lets all forget our troubles with a BIG bowl of strawberry ice cream.